About Us
The Davis Community School students and staff are enriched by cultural, social, physical, and academic diversity. We are a neighborhood school that takes pride in the absolute right of every student to receive the best education possible, and we accept the responsibility to create the proper environment necessary in attaining that goal.
We believe that our children are our most valuable resource and our programs must address the needs of each in order that they may succeed. We must promote a positive sense of self-worth and confidence that will allow each student to say "I can do that."
We know that in order to accomplish this, we must enter into a partnership with our parents and community, and with this cooperation we will move forward together in support of our children.
The Davis School Offers ...
Grades K - 8
A unique, one of a kind in the city of Brockton, Grade K - 8 academic program. When you leave the Davis School, you'll be well prepared for a successful future at Brockton High School.
A wide range of specialized programs, lessons, events, and activities. Staff members encourage a positive sense of self-worth, confidence, and achievement in all students.
After-school, Extended Day and Full-Day Kindergarten programs, We consider each child to be a multifaceted person and address their individual needs whether before, during or after school.
A multi-tiered teaching system with proven results: the Davis School exceeds the Department of Education's Annual Yearly Progress expectations and local educational targets.
A departmentalized approach to teaching in Grades 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Motivational programs that are proven to work. Our motto is, "We think we can. We know we can!"
Students at the Davis School will have the opportunity to remain at the Davis from kindergarten through grade 8. This gives our students a feeling of familiarity and comfort within their learning environments.
Students at the Davis have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular and after-school activities that foster creativity, problem-solving and collaborative skills and events that encourage social-emotional development. We offer interscholastic sports, intramurals, Art Club, Game Club, Jr & Sr chorus, Jr. & Sr. band, Peer Leaders, Girls on the Run, Middle School dances, Title I Family activities for K-8 several times during the year.
As students mature, we expand the Middle School experiences to further develop the early adolescent. Our students in grades 6-8 participate in our Career Technical Education Program, which offers 6 hands-on vocational classes which can be continued at Brockton High School, providing our students with hands-on learning and real-world applications.
The Davis offers a variety of fun-filled activities and events throughout the year. The Davis Bulldogs are known throughout the school district for going big on Read Across America Day- a national literacy event that takes place each March. We sponsor different “drives” with students to assist the community/homeless during holidays. Our school culture encompasses motivation, and we emphasize- “I think I can; I know I can”, with “A Little Salt in our Shoes”, because “what’s Meant to be is up to Me”. The Davis School celebrates our diverse student population with our Middle School International Luncheon which highlights the food and culture of our students. The Davis School also showcases the hard work and progress made by our students during our annual Day at the Davis where families and community members are welcome to visit classrooms.